So immensely thought provoking about learning how to serve alongside. I always think of, "Who heals the healer?" You have been courageous enough to look into and at the motivations fueling the assisting. I won't even begin to dabble, yet just saying that you encourage me to pause and to do a full inquiry within. Just adore your perspectives and complete soul searching. I'm not sure you have too many corners gathering dust dear one, and if so, you'll be alerted and on it. Beautiful. XO 💜✨

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Oh Joanie, thank you so much. I love what you said about not having too many corners gathering dust- writing all of this, getting it out of my head, has been such a cleansing act of self inquiry. Knowing that I have a thoughtful, loving community to share my thoughts with is such a gift. So glad you're here. 🙏💙🌟

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Thank you, Somy! I'll admit to being pretty silent about all of this for years, for fear of saying the wrong thing. But I'm beginning to have grace for both myself and others as we navigate these topics with humilty (and the acknowledgement that we'll never do it "perfectly.") Glad you're here!

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Thank you for courageously and vulnerably sharing about your tangle with this tension. I know it so, so intimately too.

"In my quest to not be a know-it-all, privileged, white savior, I wound up swinging that pendulum much too far and found myself sitting on the sidelines, afraid to meaningfully engage with those around me." Damn.

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Damn is right.... writing this was one heck of wrestling match! Thanks, freind. 💙

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That hit me right between the eyes too, Lauren and Kendall!

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Fear, imposter syndrome and the thoughts that get us there are so messy and debilitating. Believe me for different reasons I understand! Thank you for sharing! 💜

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Thank you, Sondra! Such universal, messy feelings....

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This was a thought-provoking and heartfelt read, Kendall ❤️ Thank you for your vulnerability and deep thoughtfulness around your experience and the broader topic. This was truly a great read! A deep bow and a lotus for you 🙏🪷

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Thank you so much, Deanna! That means the WORLD to me! 🙏💙

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